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Interactive Responsive Spaces: The Interlacing of Virtual and Real, Time and Space

When swimming, the water waves gently move around the human body. At this time, water is a medium between the visible and the invisible. It is difficult to see the flow of the water waves at a glance, but we can feel it and interact with them. Like water, people and the environment interact when people are in the architectural space.

Imagine: When people walk, the airflow divides the building space. We are very interested in this phenomenon and want to visualize this interaction between people and the environment by applying the spring force model. According to the theme, we designed this project to combine the virtual and built environment by integrating human data, environmental data, and media material.

Phased results of the project: the movement of people is represented by green lines


Optical flow or optic flow is the pattern of apparent motion of objects, surfaces, and edges in a visual scene caused by the relative motion between an observer and a scene.

First, record video via webcam


Find the center point of the person in each frame by image analysis

First iteration: The virtual interface responds to the movement of people. Disadvantage: Lack of necessary space division

Second iteration: Based on the first iteration and inspired by the flow of water. (tested different parameters)

Third iteration

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